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The difference between enameled wire and copper wire

Enameled wire is made on the basis of copper wire. In simple terms, enameled wire is an insulator on the outside of the copper wire.
Copper wire:
In daily life, practical copper wires are used as wires. Very good electrical conductivity, widely used in the manufacture of wires, cables, brushes, etc.; good thermal conductivity, often used in the manufacture of magnetic instruments, instruments, such as compasses, aviation instruments, etc., must be anti-magnetic interference; excellent plasticity, easy to heat and cold Press processing can be made into copper materials such as tubes, rods, wires, strips, strips, plates, and foils. There are two types of pure copper products: smelted products and processed products.
Enameled wire:
The enameled wire is the main type of winding wire. It consists of two parts: conductor and insulating layer. The bare wire is softened by annealing and then baked. However, it is not easy to produce products that meet both standard requirements and customer requirements. Affected by factors such as the quality of raw materials, process parameters, production equipment, and the environment. Therefore, the quality characteristics of various enameled wires are different, but they all have four major properties: mechanical properties, chemical properties, electrical properties, and thermal properties.
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