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How to check the number of pinholes of enameled wire?

Enameled wire is currently a very widely used wire in motors and transformers. In addition, in addition to the motor and transformer industries, home appliances are also another important application field of enameled wires. Among them, the use of special enameled wires, such as TV, washing machine, refrigerator, and others. Air conditioners, etc., basically there will be enameled wires inside.

Of course, the application of enameled wire is not limited to this, and there are also enameled wires in many other places. For example, the automotive industry now has a large demand for enameled wires, especially new energy vehicles. So overall, the application of enameled wire can be said to involve all aspects of our production and life, and with the continuous development of emerging industries, the scope of its application will become wider and wider in the future. .

There are many factors for judging the quality of enameled wire. The  important one is to look at the continuity of the enameled wire's paint film, that is, to detect the number of pinholes in the enameled wire paint film under a certain length.

The number of pinholes on the paint film can reflect the quality of the enameled wire to a large extent. The fewer the number of pinholes tested, the higher the paint film integrity of the enameled wire and the better the use effect. On the contrary, the quality of the enameled wire will be greatly reduced. . So how do we check the number of pinholes of enameled wire in practice?

Generally, we will use a professional paint film continuity tester to check the number of pinholes of the enameled wire. This detection mainly uses the principle of high pressure leakage, and the electromagnetic wire and the concave wheel applied with high pressure are carried out by a semi-envelope method. Contact, when it encounters insufficient paint film thickness or serious bare copper defects, the instrument will respond and record the specific number of defects. In this way, you can see the number of pinholes in this section of enameled wire.

Therefore, when we purchase enameled wire, we must also pay attention to checking the number of pinholes of the enameled wire to help us judge the quality of the enameled wire, which is also very useful for our use.